White Label Brokerage

Enter the most suitable White Label Brokerage Programs

Setting up your own forex brokerage firm can be very costly and time consuming in terms of establishing proper infrastructure, gaining regulatory approval, hiring specialized staff, and establishing forex trading relationships.

Amongst our clients we have major international licensed forex brokerage houses. Fionza Consulting can assist you to enter the most suitable white label brokerage programs which are designed to benefit any introducing broker or money manager whose clients will trade directly with the selected brokerage house. Trading can occur via a customized seamless client interface that allows you to maintain and promote your company brand without incurring the unnecessary expenses.

The benefits of white label brokerage programs include:

  • avoiding the costs of setting up and running your own forex dealing operations, which requires licensing and regulation.
  • avoid working in introducing business that is out of your control.
  • staying in touch with your clients through every stage of your sales process.
  • maximizing your profits by reducing your costs in order to prepare for your own complete forex brokerage project.

Contact us if you are interested in signing up for a white label brokerage program.